A New Day. (go back »)

November 1 2007, 1:28 PM

Alas It has been near a year since myself and my ex bf broke up, how due to reasons we just grew too far apart we let our love die like an flickering flame in the wind.


It was mainly my fault I got caught up in life and personal affairs that I did not make time for him sad to say that lead to our downfall, he was the first I shared myself with and the first I have truely cared about.


I know I can't willow in the past I must push forward but it is hard at times I feel a bit depressed and even low the date game is hard as it is for myself but I know I can find another to share my heart with no matter how hard the trails may be.


I must say to any young girls out there that if you find that true love do not give up on the relationship if you truely love him fight for him at all cost.

In Love Life.


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  • Female
  • 18 years old


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